What is Unshaven Hair Transplant ?

Unshaven hair transplantation, also known as "non-shaven" or "no-shave" hair transplantation, is a hair restoration technique that allows individuals to undergo a hair transplant without having to shave or trim their existing hair. In traditional hair transplant procedures, it's common for the donor area (typically the back and sides of the head) to be shaved or trimmed to facilitate the extraction of hair follicles. However, unshaven hair transplantation offers an alternative for those who wish to avoid the visible signs of having had a hair transplant.

Here's how unshaven hair transplantation works:

Assessment and Planning: The process begins with a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the individual's hair loss pattern, donor hair characteristics, and determines the feasibility of performing an unshaven procedure.

Selective Shaving: In unshaven hair transplantation, only small, discreet areas of the donor area are shaved or trimmed, usually in a way that allows the surrounding hair to cover the shaved areas. The goal is to minimize the visual impact of the procedure.

Extraction: Hair follicles are carefully extracted from the selectively shaved donor area using a method such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). FUE involves extracting individual follicular units containing 1 to 4 hairs each.

Recipient Site Creation: Tiny incisions or recipient sites are created in the recipient area (the balding or thinning area where hair will be transplanted). These incisions are made in a way that accommodates the existing hair and allows for the precise placement of grafts.

Graft Placement: The extracted hair follicles are transplanted into the recipient sites, ensuring that the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with the existing hair.

Post-Operative Care: After the procedure, patients are provided with instructions for post-operative care, including how to wash and care for the transplanted area and any prescribed medications.


How is Unshaven Hair Transplantation Done?

Unshaven hair transplantation, also known as "non-shaven" or "no-shave" hair transplantation, is a specialized technique that allows individuals to undergo a hair transplant without having to shave or trim their existing hair. Here is an overview of how unshaven hair transplantation is typically performed:

Consultation and Assessment:

The process begins with a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the individual's hair loss pattern, donor hair characteristics, and determines the feasibility of performing an unshaven procedure.

Selective Shaving:

In unshaven hair transplantation, only small, discreet areas of the donor area (typically the back and sides of the head) are shaved or trimmed. The goal is to minimize the visible signs of the procedure.

The surgeon carefully selects specific donor areas to shave based on the availability of suitable hair follicles and the individual's existing hairstyle. These shaved areas are typically concealed by the surrounding longer hair.

Extraction of Hair Follicles:

Hair follicles are extracted from the selectively shaved donor areas using a minimally invasive method such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction).

FUE involves the use of a specialized punch tool to extract individual follicular units (groups of 1 to 4 hairs each) from the donor site. The small, circular scars left behind are easily concealed by surrounding hair.

Recipient Site Creation:

Tiny incisions or recipient sites are created in the recipient area (the balding or thinning area where hair will be transplanted). These incisions are made with precision to accommodate the existing hair and allow for the natural placement of grafts.

Graft Placement:

The extracted hair follicles are carefully transplanted into the recipient sites, ensuring that the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with the existing hair. The surgeon pays close attention to the angle, direction, and density of the transplanted hair to achieve a natural appearance.

Post-Operative Care and Recovery:

After the procedure, patients receive instructions for post-operative care. This includes guidance on how to wash and care for the transplanted area and any prescribed medications.

Patients can usually resume their regular activities within a few days, and visible signs of the procedure are minimal due to the selective shaving.

Who Can Do Unshaven Hair Transplant?

Unshaven hair transplantation, also known as "non-shaven" or "no-shave" hair transplantation, is a specialized technique that requires the expertise of a skilled hair transplant surgeon and a qualified medical team. While unshaven procedures offer the advantage of not requiring a full shave of the donor area, they are typically performed on individuals who meet certain criteria. Here are some considerations for individuals who can undergo unshaven hair transplantation:

  1. Existing Hair Length and Style: Unshaven procedures are most suitable for individuals who have existing longer hair in the donor area and prefer not to shave or trim it significantly. The surgeon will assess the patient's hairstyle to determine the feasibility of selective shaving.
  2. Donor Hair Characteristics: The success of an unshaven procedure depends on the availability of suitable donor hair follicles in the selectively shaved areas. The surgeon will evaluate the donor hair's density, quality, and distribution.
  3. Hair Loss Pattern: Unshaven hair transplantation is often recommended for individuals with specific hair loss patterns that can be addressed with this technique. The surgeon will assess the patient's hair loss pattern and determine if an unshaven procedure is appropriate.
  4. Health Status: The patient's overall health, including any medical conditions and medications, will be considered to ensure that they are suitable candidates for the procedure. Good general health supports optimal healing and recovery.
  5. Realistic Expectations: Patients should have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. While unshaven hair transplantation can provide natural-looking results, it may not achieve a complete restoration, especially if the patient has advanced hair loss.
  6. Consultation with a Qualified Surgeon: The decision to undergo an unshaven hair transplant should be made in consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon will assess the patient's specific case, discuss their goals, and determine if they are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  7. Post-Operative Care Compliance: Patients must be willing and able to follow post-operative care instructions, including proper washing and care of the transplanted area, to ensure a smooth recovery and optimize the results.


What are the Advantages of Unshaven Hair Transplantation?

Unshaven hair transplantation, also known as "non-shaven" or "no-shave" hair transplantation, offers several advantages for individuals who wish to undergo a hair transplant without the need for a full shave or significant trimming of their existing hair. Here are the key advantages of unshaven hair transplantation:

  1. Minimal Disruption to Existing Hairstyle: The most significant advantage is that unshaven hair transplantation allows patients to maintain their existing hairstyle. Only small, discreet areas of the donor area are selectively shaved or trimmed, so the visible impact of the procedure is minimal.
  2. Immediate Return to Daily Activities: Since there is no need for a full shave, patients can typically return to their regular daily activities within a few days after the procedure. This makes the recovery process more inconspicuous.
  3. No Visible Linear Scar: Unlike FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), which can leave a linear scar in the donor area, unshaven procedures result in minimal scarring that is easily concealed by surrounding hair. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who prefer short hairstyles.
  4. Natural-Looking Results: Unshaven hair transplantation is performed with great attention to detail, allowing for precise graft placement in alignment with the patient's existing hair. This results in a natural-looking and harmonious appearance.
  5. Increased Patient Comfort: Patients often find unshaven procedures more comfortable than traditional transplants that require a full shave. There is less itching, discomfort, and the healing process is generally smoother.
  6. Discreet Healing Process: The selective shaving in unshaven procedures means that the visible signs of the procedure are less noticeable as the transplanted area heals. This can be important for individuals who wish to keep their procedure private.
  7. Versatile for Various Hair Types: Unshaven techniques can be adapted to suit various hair types and styles, making it an option for a wide range of patients, including those with longer or shorter hair.
  8. High-Quality Results: When performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, unshaven hair transplantation can yield high-quality results that meet the patient's hair restoration goals.


What is the Unshaven Hair Transplant Recovery Period?

The recovery period after an unshaven hair transplant, also known as "non-shaven" or "no-shave" hair transplantation, is similar in many respects to the recovery period for traditional hair transplant techniques. However, there are some specific considerations due to the selective shaving involved in unshaven procedures. Here's an overview of what to expect during the recovery period:

Immediately After the Procedure (First Few Days):

  • Minimal Shaving: In unshaven hair transplantation, only small areas of the donor site are shaved or trimmed, so the visible impact is limited.
  • Swelling: Some degree of swelling may occur around the forehead and eyes, especially on the third day after the procedure. This swelling typically subsides within a week.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Mild pain or discomfort at both the donor and recipient sites is normal. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Scabbing: Tiny scabs may form at the recipient sites, where the hair follicles were transplanted. Avoid picking or scratching these scabs to prevent damage to the grafts.

First Week:

  • Return to Daily Activities: You can typically return to your regular daily activities within a few days after the procedure. Avoid strenuous physical activities for at least a week.
  • Stitches Removal: If sutures were used in the donor area, they are usually removed within 7 to 10 days after the surgery.

First Month:

  • Shedding of Transplanted Hair: Most of the transplanted hairs will shed within the first month. This is a normal part of the process, and it can be disheartening, but it's important to remember that new hair growth will occur later.

Months 2-3:

  • New Hair Growth: New hair growth typically begins around the second or third month. Initially, the hair may appear fine and thin, but it will gradually thicken and become more noticeable over time.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: You may have follow-up appointments with your surgeon to assess progress and address any concerns.

Months 6-12:

  • Visible Results: By months 6 to 12, you should begin to see more significant growth and visible results from the transplant. Patience is essential, as the full results may take up to a year or more to become apparent.
  • Maintenance: Depending on your individual circumstances, your surgeon may recommend maintenance treatments or medications to further enhance and preserve the results.


Is Unshaven Hair Transplantation Performed in Turkey?

Yes, unshaven hair transplantation, also known as "non-shaven" or "no-shave" hair transplantation, is performed in Turkey. Turkey has established itself as a leading destination for various hair transplant techniques, including unshaven procedures. Turkish hair transplant clinics and surgeons have gained international recognition for their expertise and the quality of care they provide.

Key reasons why individuals choose to undergo unshaven hair transplantation in Turkey include:

  1. Experienced Surgeons: Turkey boasts a large number of experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeons who are well-trained in unshaven techniques and other hair restoration methods.
  2. Modern Facilities: Turkish hair transplant clinics and hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure, meeting international standards for medical facilities.
  3. Competitive Prices: The cost of unshaven hair transplantation in Turkey is often more budget-friendly compared to many other countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking quality treatments at a competitive price.
  4. Medical Tourism Industry: Turkey has a well-developed medical tourism industry, with specialized agencies that assist international patients with travel arrangements, accommodation, and treatment coordination.
  5. Diverse Hair Transplant Options: Turkish clinics offer a wide range of hair restoration techniques, including unshaven procedures, FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), Sapphire FUE, and more. This allows patients to choose the technique that best suits their individual needs and preferences.
  6. High-Quality Services: Turkish hair transplant clinics typically provide comprehensive and personalized services, including pre-operative consultations, detailed treatment plans, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments.
  7. Natural-Looking Results: Many patients who have undergone unshaven hair transplantation in Turkey report achieving natural-looking and satisfactory results, contributing to the positive reputation of Turkish hair transplant clinics.

Unshaven Hair Transplant in Turkey Prices ?

The cost of unshaven hair transplantation in Turkey can vary widely depending on several factors, similar to the pricing of other hair transplant techniques. These factors include the reputation of the clinic, the surgeon's experience, the number of grafts required, the specific services included in the package, and the geographic location of the clinic within Turkey. 

  • Low-End: On the lower end, you might find unshaven hair transplant procedures offered for as low as €2,000 to €3,000. However, clinics offering such low prices may not always provide the highest quality of care or the most experienced surgeons.
  • Mid-Range: The majority of reputable and established hair transplant clinics in Turkey typically charge between €3,000 and €5,000 for unshaven hair transplant procedures. This range often includes a certain number of grafts, pre-operative consultation, post-operative care, and sometimes accommodation.
  • High-End: Some premium clinics and those associated with well-known surgeons may charge prices exceeding €5,000, sometimes reaching up to €8,000 or more. These clinics often emphasize personalized care, highly experienced surgeons, and top-notch facilities.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Price Detailed Information, You Can contact Us Via phoneWhatsapp or e-mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. In U-FUE, the surgeon merely doesn’t shave the recipient area; the rest of the technique remains the same.

Yes, the clinic in which you’ll undergo U-FUE is registered with the Ministry of Health.

You can travel back the day after the surgery, but it’s recommended that you stay for your follow-up appointment the next day.

For your follow-up checks, you can meet hair transplant surgeons at our London clinic.


Operation Lenght
Hospital Stay
Full Recovery
Return to Work
Life Time Warrity
Luxury Hotel
VIP Transfer