Hair Transplant in Istanbul - Turkey

For More Information and price contact us.

Hair Transplant Istanbul

FUE Hair Transplant

FUE – or Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair transplant process that replaces lost or thinning hair by taking healthy follicles from a donor area of the head (usually the back and sides) and...

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

One of these mentioned developments is the Sapphire FUE hair transplant technique. This advanced technique is performed with special instruments produced from a gemstone, called sapphire...

DHI Hair Transplant

Whether cosmetic preferences or health concerns, hair loss is a condition that millions of people struggling with, for various reasons or purposes. Fortunately,hair transplantation...

Unshaven Hair Transplant

In an unshaven FUE hair transplant, the hair in the donor area is completely or partially shaved. After that, the surgeon makes an incision and extracts hair follicles using a punch tool. 


Hair Transplant Before After Results


Fill out the Free Consultation Form. Benefit from Package Options with the Most Affordable Hair Transplant Method and Prices.

    Hair Transplant Stages

    Hair Transplant İstanbul Hospital


    Follicles from the patient are carefully collected from the donor area

    Follicles Preservation

    The grafts taken from the patient are carefully kept in the liquid HTS

    Channel Opening

    Incisions are made in the recipient area to transport the grafts. It is a painless procedure.


    Grafts are placed into the created incision. It is a painless procedure.


    10-30% growth begins after 3 months, but the final results appear after 12 months


    After the procedure, we ask our patient to fill out a small questionnaire about how the procedure went.

    Vip Transfer

    After the Questionnaire, we take our patient from the hospital to her hotel and provide every opportunity for her to rest.

    Return to Country

    The next day, we make the final checks of our patient and take him from the hospital to the airport.

    Happy Costumer
    Successful Transaction
    Years Experience

    Hair Transplant Packages

    For More Pricing Information Contact Us

    FUE Package

    Hair Transplant with FUE technique

    Private consultation with the doctor

    Blood tests

    Painless anesthesia

    Post operatory medications

    First wash at the clinic

    Shampoo and spray

    Hat and neck pillow

    Two-night accommodation at a 5-star hotel

    Airport, hotel, clinic VIP transfer


    VIP FUE Package

    FUE with Sapphire

    Private consultation with the doctor

    Blood tests

    Painless anesthesia

    Post operatory medications

    First wash at the clinic

    Shampoo and spray

    Hat and neck pillow

    Treatment Package for 6 months

    Three-night accommodation at a 5-star hotel

    Airport, hotel, clinic VIP transfer

    Teeth Whitening


    DHI Package

    FUE with CHOI pens (DHI technique)

    Private consultation with the doctor

    Blood tests

    Painless anesthesia

    Post operatory medications

    First wash at the clinic

    Shampoo and spray

    Hat and neck pillow

    Two-night accommodation at a 5-star hotel

    Airport, hotel, clinic VIP transfer



    Hair Transplant Clinic Photos


    Hair Transplant in Istanbul 

    What is The Hair Transplant ?

    A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the back or sides of the scalp (donor area), and their transplantation to another area where hair is thinning or balding (recipient area). The primary goal of a hair transplant is to restore natural hair growth in areas where hair loss has occurred. Hair transplants are commonly performed to address male pattern baldness, but they can also be used to restore eyebrows, eyelashes, beard hair, and even chest hair.

    There are several techniques for performing hair transplants, including:

    1. FUT Hair Transplant in Turkey: In this method, a strip of skin containing hair follicles is surgically removed from the donor area, and the individual follicular units are dissected and then transplanted into the recipient area.
    2. FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey: FUE involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the donor area using a small punch tool. These follicles are then transplanted into the recipient area.
    3. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) in Turkey: DHI is a specialized technique of FUE where hair follicles are extracted and implanted directly into the recipient area using a special device, minimizing the time the grafts spend outside the body.
    4. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey: This technique uses sapphire blades instead of steel punches for creating recipient sites. It is known for its precision and minimal scarring.

    Hair Transplant in Turkey

    Hair transplant, a surgical procedure that helps individuals regain natural hair growth in areas affected by hair loss, has become increasingly popular worldwide. Turkey has emerged as a renowned destination for hair transplants, thanks to its expertise, quality services, and cost-effective options. Here’s more information about getting a hair transplant in Turkey:

    Highly Skilled Surgeons

    Turkey is home to highly skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeons. Many Turkish surgeons are internationally recognized for their expertise and are well-known for their proficiency in hair restoration techniques.

    Cost-Effective Procedures

    Hair transplant procedures in Turkey are often more affordable compared to many Western countries. This cost-effectiveness allows patients to receive top-quality treatment at a fraction of the cost they might incur elsewhere.

    Modern Facilities

    Turkish hair transplant clinics and hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and designed to meet international medical standards. These facilities provide a safe and comfortable treatment environment for patients.

    Diverse Hair Transplant Options

    Patients in Turkey have a wide range of hair restoration techniques to choose from. Options include Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Sapphire FUE, and more, allowing patients to select the method that best suits their needs.

    Medical Tourism Infrastructure

    Turkey has a well-developed infrastructure for medical tourism. Specialized agencies assist international patients with travel arrangements, accommodation, and treatment coordination, ensuring a seamless experience.

    Natural-Looking Results

    Many patients who undergo hair transplants in Turkey report achieving natural-looking and satisfactory results. Hair transplant outcomes often blend seamlessly with the patient’s natural hair.

    Reputable Clinics

    Turkey is home to numerous reputable hair transplant clinics that prioritize patient safety, quality of care, and ethical practices. These clinics offer comprehensive services and support, from pre-operative consultations to post-operative care and follow-up appointments.

    Quick Recovery

    Hair transplant procedures in Turkey often have relatively short recovery times, allowing patients to return to their regular activities within a few days.

    Turkey’s combination of highly skilled professionals, cost-effective procedures, and modern facilities has made it a leading destination for those seeking hair transplant solutions. However, patients should conduct thorough research, consult with experienced surgeons, read patient reviews, and verify accreditations when considering a hair transplant in Turkey. Hair transplantation is a safe and effective way to restore natural hair growth, and Turkey is among the best places to undergo this procedure.

    Hair Transplant Prices in Turkey: Where Quality Meets Affordability

    Hair transplant is an effective cosmetic surgical procedure that helps individuals suffering from hair loss to regain natural hair growth. In recent years, this popular treatment has become particularly appealing in Turkey. Turkey has not only become known for providing high-quality hair transplant services but also for offering them at competitive prices. Here’s more information about hair transplant prices in Turkey:

    How Much Can Prices Vary?

    Hair transplant prices in Turkey can vary significantly based on a range of factors. These factors include:

    1. Hair Transplant Technique: The technique used for hair transplant can greatly influence the price. For example, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technology, which often requires more labor and time, is generally more expensive.

    2. Size of the Transplant Area: The size of the area where hair transplant is to be done directly affects the cost. Treating a larger area may require more grafts (hair follicles), thus increasing the cost.

    3. Choice of Clinic: The reputation, location, and quality of the hair transplant clinic can affect prices. More renowned and high-quality clinics often charge higher fees.

    4. Surgeon’s Experience: The experience and reputation of the hair transplant surgeon can also impact the cost. Experienced surgeons typically command higher fees.

    5. Number of Grafts: The number of grafts needed can significantly affect the cost. If more hair grafts are required, the procedure can become more expensive.

    6. Included Services: Check what services are included in your hair transplant package. Some clinics include services like accommodation and local transportation in their packages, which can affect the total cost.

    Average Price Ranges in Turkey

    Hair transplant prices in Turkey generally range from 1,000 Euros to 4,000 Euros. However, this is a rough estimate, and prices can vary for each patient. Some special cases can result in higher costs.

    • Low Price Range: The lower price range may apply to basic hair transplant procedures, but these packages may include fewer grafts and less experienced staff.

    • Medium Price Range: This range is where most patients opt for their hair transplant. Medium-priced packages often include more grafts and an experienced team.

    • High Price Range: The high price range is associated with special services often linked to renowned surgeons or luxury clinics.

    Looking Beyond Costs

    Remember that hair transplant is an investment, and you should consider not only the cost but also factors like the surgeon’s experience, the clinic’s quality, and the naturalness of the results when making your decision. It’s important to contact several clinics and get price quotes to determine the treatment option that best suits your needs.

    In conclusion, Turkey is known for offering high-quality hair transplant services at competitive prices. However, it’s always important to proceed with care and informed decisions when planning your treatment journey.