What is Moustache Transplant ?

Mustache transplantation, also known as mustache hair restoration, is a surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles to the upper lip area to enhance or restore the growth of mustache hair. This procedure is designed for individuals who have thin or patchy mustache growth, those with facial scarring affecting mustache hair, or individuals who desire a thicker and more well-defined mustache.

Here's an overview of how mustache transplantation is typically performed:

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the patient's mustache hair growth pattern, discusses the patient's goals, and determines the feasibility of the procedure.
  2. Donor Hair Selection: Hair follicles for the mustache transplant are typically harvested from the back of the scalp, where the hair is genetically resistant to balding and closely matches the texture and thickness of mustache hair.
  3. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb both the donor area (usually the back of the scalp) and the recipient area (the upper lip) to ensure the procedure is virtually painless.
  4. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Mustache transplantation is commonly performed using the FUE method. In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor site using a specialized punch tool. These follicles are then prepared for transplantation.
  5. Recipient Site Creation: Tiny incisions or recipient sites are created in the mustache area where hair will be transplanted. These incisions are made with precision to mimic the natural angle and direction of mustache hair growth.
  6. Graft Placement: The extracted hair follicles (grafts) are carefully transplanted into the recipient sites, ensuring that the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with the existing mustache hair. Attention is paid to the angle, direction, and density of the transplanted hair to achieve a natural appearance.
  7. Post-Operative Care: After the procedure, patients are provided with instructions for post-operative care, including how to wash and care for the transplanted mustache area and any prescribed medications.
  8. Recovery: Patients can typically resume their regular activities within a few days. It's common for the transplanted hair to shed within the first few weeks, but new hair growth should begin in a few months.

How Is Moustache Transplant Performed?

Mustache transplantation is a surgical procedure designed to enhance or restore the growth of mustache hair. It is typically performed using the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique, which is a minimally invasive and precise method. Here's a step-by-step overview of how mustache transplantation is typically performed:


The process begins with a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the patient's mustache hair growth pattern, discusses their goals and expectations, and determines the feasibility of the procedure.

Donor Hair Selection:

The surgeon carefully selects donor hair follicles for the mustache transplant. These donor follicles are typically taken from the back of the scalp, where the hair is genetically resistant to balding and closely matches the texture and thickness of mustache hair.


Local anesthesia is administered to numb both the donor area (usually the back of the scalp) and the recipient area (the upper lip) to ensure that the procedure is virtually painless.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

Mustache transplantation is commonly performed using the FUE method. In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor site using a specialized punch tool. These follicles are carefully harvested to minimize damage.

Recipient Site Creation:

Tiny incisions or recipient sites are created in the mustache area where hair will be transplanted. The surgeon makes these incisions with precision to mimic the natural angle, direction, and density of mustache hair growth.

Graft Placement:

The extracted hair follicles, also known as grafts, are meticulously transplanted into the recipient sites. The surgeon pays close attention to the angle, direction, and spacing of the transplanted hair to achieve a natural and harmonious appearance.

Post-Operative Care:

After the procedure, patients are provided with detailed instructions for post-operative care. This includes guidance on how to wash and care for the transplanted mustache area, as well as any prescribed medications to prevent infection and promote healing.


Patients can typically resume their regular activities within a few days. It's important to note that the transplanted hair will initially shed within the first few weeks. This is a normal part of the process, and new hair growth should begin in a few months.


For Who Is Moustache Transplant Performed?

Mustache transplantation is typically performed for individuals who have specific concerns or desires related to their mustache hair. Here are common reasons why people choose to undergo mustache transplantation:

  • Sparse Mustache Growth: Some individuals have limited or patchy mustache growth, leaving them with areas of thin or uneven facial hair. Mustache transplantation can help fill in these gaps and create a fuller mustache.
  • Facial Scarring: Scarring from accidents, surgeries, burns, or previous trauma can disrupt natural mustache hair growth. Mustache transplantation can be used to transplant hair follicles into scarred areas to conceal the scars and restore a natural appearance.
  • Desire for a Thicker Mustache: Some individuals simply desire a thicker or more robust mustache for cosmetic reasons. Mustache transplantation allows them to achieve their desired facial hair appearance.
  • Correction of Mustache Shape or Symmetry: Mustache transplantation can be used to correct asymmetry or irregularities in mustache shape, helping to create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  • Enhancement of Mustache Line: Some individuals wish to enhance the definition of their mustache line, such as making it more prominent or well-defined. Mustache transplantation can help achieve this.
  • Aesthetic Enhancement: Mustache transplantation can be performed for cosmetic reasons, allowing individuals to customize the style and look of their mustache to better suit their preferences.
  • Gender Transition: Transgender individuals undergoing hormone therapy as part of their gender transition may seek mustache transplantation to achieve a more masculine facial appearance.

It's important to note that the suitability for mustache transplantation is assessed on an individual basis. Not everyone is an ideal candidate, and factors such as the availability of donor hair, the patient's overall health, and their specific goals play a role in determining eligibility for the procedure.


What are the Advantages of Moustache Transplant?

Mustache transplantation offers several advantages for individuals who choose to undergo the procedure. These advantages can enhance both the appearance and self-confidence of individuals who seek to improve their mustache. Here are the key advantages of mustache transplantation:

Enhanced Facial Aesthetics: Mustache transplantation allows individuals to customize the style and look of their mustache, resulting in enhanced facial aesthetics. Whether filling in patchy areas, creating a thicker mustache, or defining mustache lines, the procedure can significantly improve the overall appearance of the face.

Natural-Looking Results: When performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, mustache transplantation results in natural-looking facial hair. The transplanted hair blends seamlessly with existing mustache hair, making it difficult for others to distinguish between transplanted and natural hair.

Permanent Solution: Mustache transplantation provides a permanent solution for mustache enhancement. The transplanted hair is taken from the donor area, which is typically resistant to hair loss, ensuring that the results are long-lasting.

Scar Concealment: For individuals with facial scarring that affects mustache hair growth, mustache transplantation can effectively conceal scars and create a more even and uniform appearance.

Customization: Patients can work with their surgeon to customize the shape, density, and style of their mustache to match their preferences. This level of customization allows for a tailored and personalized look.

Boost in Self-Confidence: Many individuals experience a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem after undergoing mustache transplantation. Achieving the desired mustache appearance can lead to increased confidence in personal and social interactions.

Gender Transition: Mustache transplantation can be an important step for transgender individuals undergoing hormone therapy as part of their gender transition. It helps them achieve a more masculine facial appearance.

Minimal Downtime: The recovery period after mustache transplantation is relatively short, and patients can typically return to their regular activities within a few days.

Natural Growth Cycle: After the initial shedding of transplanted hair, new hair growth begins, mimicking the natural growth cycle of facial hair. This gradual growth process ensures that the final results look natural and balanced.

Safe and Established Procedure: Mustache transplantation is a well-established and safe procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. Advances in techniques and technology have further improved the safety and success rates of the procedure.

What is the Moustache Transplant Recovery Period?

The recovery period after a mustache transplantation procedure is an important phase in achieving the desired results. While individual experiences may vary, here's a general overview of what to expect during the recovery period:

Immediate Post-Procedure (First Few Days):

  • Swelling: Some swelling and redness in the mustache and surrounding areas are common during the first few days after the procedure. This is typically temporary and should gradually subside.
  • Discomfort: Mild pain or discomfort at the donor and recipient sites is normal and can usually be managed with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medications.
  • Bruising: Bruising may occur in some cases, but it is generally mild and temporary.

First Week:

  • Return to Activities: Most patients can typically return to their regular activities within a few days, but it's advisable to avoid strenuous exercise and activities that could potentially damage the grafts.
  • Scabbing: Tiny scabs may form around the transplanted grafts. It's important not to pick or scratch these scabs, as doing so could damage the newly transplanted hair.

First Month:

  • Shedding of Transplanted Hair: Within the first month, most of the transplanted hair will shed. This is a normal part of the process and should not be a cause for concern.
  • Maintenance: Patients will need to adhere to a regular washing and care routine for the transplanted mustache area as advised by their surgeon.

Months 2-3:

  • New Hair Growth: New hair growth typically begins around the second or third month after the procedure. Initially, the hair may appear fine and thin, but it will gradually thicken and become more noticeable over time.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Patients may have follow-up appointments with their surgeon during this period to assess progress and address any concerns.

Months 6-12:

  • Visible Results: By months 6 to 12, patients should begin to see more significant growth and visible results from the mustache transplant. Patience is essential, as the full results may take up to a year or more to become apparent.
  • Maintenance: Depending on individual circumstances, the surgeon may recommend maintenance treatments or medications to further enhance and preserve the results.


Is Moustache Transplant Performed in Turkey?

Yes, mustache transplantation is performed in Turkey. Turkey is known for offering a wide range of high-quality hair transplant procedures, including those for the mustache. The country has gained a strong reputation as a global hub for hair transplantation due to several key factors:

Experienced Surgeons: Turkey boasts numerous experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeons who are proficient in various hair restoration techniques, including mustache transplantation.

Modern Facilities: Turkish hair transplant clinics and hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and adhere to international standards for medical facilities.

Competitive Prices: The cost of hair transplant procedures, including mustache transplantation, is often more affordable in Turkey compared to many other countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking quality treatments at a competitive price.

Medical Tourism Industry: Turkey has a well-developed medical tourism industry, with specialized agencies that assist international patients with travel arrangements, accommodation, and treatment coordination.

Diverse Hair Transplant Options: Turkish clinics offer a wide range of hair restoration techniques, allowing patients to choose the method that best suits their individual needs and preferences, whether it's for the scalp or the mustache.

High-Quality Services: Turkish hair transplant clinics typically provide comprehensive and personalized services, including pre-operative consultations, detailed treatment plans, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments.

Natural-Looking Results: Many patients who have undergone mustache transplantation in Turkey report achieving natural-looking and satisfactory results, contributing to the positive reputation of Turkish hair transplant clinics.

Moustache Transplant Turkey Prices ?

The cost of a mustache transplant in Turkey can vary widely depending on several factors, including the clinic's reputation, the surgeon's experience, the specific technique used, the number of grafts required, and the geographic location of the clinic within Turkey.

  • Low-End: On the lower end, mustache transplant procedures might be offered for as low as €1,000 to €2,000. However, clinics offering such low prices may not always provide the highest quality of care or have experienced surgeons.
  • Mid-Range: The majority of reputable and established hair transplant clinics in Turkey typically charge between €2,000 and €4,000 for mustache transplant procedures. This range often includes a certain number of grafts, pre-operative consultation, post-operative care, and sometimes accommodation.
  • High-End: Some premium clinics and those associated with well-known surgeons may charge prices exceeding €4,000, sometimes reaching up to €6,000 or more. These clinics often emphasize personalized care, highly experienced surgeons, and top-notch facilities.


Moustache Transplant Price Detailed Information, You Can contact Us Via phoneWhatsapp or e-mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

When getting an injection for local anaesthesia, you may feel pain and discomfort since the skin is thinner in the upper lip area. But you won’t feel any pain during the surgery. After the surgery, the surgeon will prescribe you painkillers for pain management once the effects of anaesthesia wear off.

Yes, but you’ll have to wait for at least two months before you start using scissors. You can use a trimmer after 3 months and a shaving razor after 6 months.

You cannot wear a face mask for at least a week and a half after the moustache transplant; consider wearing a face shield instead.

There is no lower or upper age limit for a moustache hair transplant. You can get it in your late teens or early twenties.

The scars from a moustache transplant will fade after a year or so, after which they’re barely visible.


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