What is Fue Hair Transplant ?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat hair loss and baldness. It is one of the most popular and advanced techniques in the field of hair restoration. FUE differs from traditional hair transplant methods like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) in how donor hair follicles are extracted and transplanted.

Here's how FUE hair transplant works:

  • Donor Area Selection: The surgeon identifies a suitable donor area, typically located at the back or sides of the patient's scalp. These areas usually have a stable and robust supply of healthy hair follicles.
  • Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb both the donor and recipient areas. This ensures that the patient remains comfortable during the procedure.
  • Follicle Extraction: Using a specialized micro-punch tool (usually with a diameter of less than 1mm), individual hair follicles or follicular units (containing one to four hairs) are carefully extracted from the donor area. The surgeon makes tiny circular incisions around each follicular unit, and these are then gently removed. This process is repeated until the required number of grafts is obtained.
  • Recipient Site Preparation: After extraction, the surgeon creates tiny incisions or recipient sites in the bald or thinning areas of the scalp where the hair will be transplanted. These incisions are made at specific angles and directions to mimic the natural growth pattern of hair.
  • Graft Insertion: Each extracted hair follicle is meticulously transplanted into a recipient site. The surgeon ensures that the transplanted follicles match the natural hairline and are distributed evenly for a natural appearance.
  • Healing and Growth: After the procedure, the transplanted hair follicles enter a temporary resting phase before new hair growth begins. Significant results can typically be seen within several months, with full results becoming apparent after a year.

FUE hair transplant offers several advantages:

Minimal Scarring: FUE leaves tiny, dot-like scars in the donor area, which are less noticeable than the linear scar associated with FUT. These scars often heal and become almost invisible over time.

Quick Recovery: Patients usually experience a quicker recovery compared to FUT because there is no need for sutures or staples in the donor area.

No Visible Linear Scar: Since there is no linear scar, patients can wear their hair short without worrying about concealing a noticeable scar.

Precise and Natural Results: FUE allows for precise control over the placement of hair follicles, resulting in natural-looking hairlines and overall results.

Suitable for Various Hair Types: FUE can be used on various hair types and textures, making it versatile for a wide range of patients.

Minimal Discomfort: Patients typically experience minimal discomfort during and after the procedure.


How is Fue Hair Transplant done?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is a meticulous and highly precise surgical procedure used to treat hair loss. It involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from a donor area and their transplantation into areas of thinning or balding. Here's a step-by-step overview of how an FUE hair transplant is typically performed:

Consultation and Planning:

  • You begin by scheduling a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, you discuss your hair loss concerns, goals, and expectations.
  • The surgeon evaluates your scalp, donor area, and overall hair loss pattern to determine your candidacy for FUE.
  • A personalized treatment plan is created, detailing the number of grafts needed, the donor area, and the hairline design.


  • On the day of the procedure, you arrive at the clinic, and the surgical team cleans and sterilizes the treatment areas.
  • The donor area (usually the back or sides of the scalp) is trimmed to a short length to facilitate extraction.

Local Anesthesia:

  • Local anesthesia is administered to numb both the donor and recipient areas, ensuring that you remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

Follicle Extraction:

  • Using a specialized micro-punch tool (typically less than 1mm in diameter), the surgeon carefully extracts individual hair follicles or follicular units (groups of one to four hairs) from the donor area.
  • Tiny circular incisions are made around each follicular unit, and they are then gently removed. This process is repeated until the desired number of grafts is obtained.
  • The extracted grafts are carefully handled and kept in a sterile solution to maintain their viability.

Recipient Site Preparation:

  • After extraction, the surgeon creates tiny incisions or recipient sites in the bald or thinning areas of the scalp where the hair will be transplanted. These sites are strategically placed at specific angles and directions to mimic natural hair growth.

Graft Insertion:

  • Each extracted hair follicle is meticulously transplanted into a recipient site. The surgeon ensures that the transplanted follicles match the natural hairline and are distributed evenly for a natural appearance.
  • Grafts containing single-hair follicles are usually placed at the front hairline for a natural look, while multi-hair grafts are placed in the mid-scalp and crown areas for density.

Post-Operative Care:

  • The surgical team provides instructions for post-operative care, including how to wash and care for the transplanted area.
  • You may be prescribed medications to minimize the risk of infection and reduce swelling.

Recovery and Growth:

  • After the procedure, the transplanted hair follicles enter a temporary resting phase before new hair growth begins.
  • Visible results typically start to appear within several months, with the full effect becoming noticeable after about a year.

Who is Fue Hair Transplantation Performed?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is performed for individuals who are experiencing hair loss and desire a solution to restore hair growth. Here are some key considerations for individuals who are suitable candidates for FUE hair transplantation:

Pattern of Hair Loss: FUE is suitable for various patterns of hair loss, including male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) and female pattern hair loss. The suitability of FUE may depend on the extent and stage of hair loss.

Donor Hair Availability: The success of FUE relies on the availability of an adequate supply of healthy donor hair follicles. Donor hair is typically taken from the back or sides of the scalp, where hair is genetically resistant to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair loss in some individuals.

Stable Hair Loss: Candidates for FUE should have hair loss that has stabilized. This means that the progression of hair loss has slowed or ceased. Performing a hair transplant when hair loss is still actively progressing may not yield optimal results.

Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the results of FUE. While FUE can provide natural-looking results, it may not restore a full head of hair, especially if the donor area has limited follicles available.

Good General Health: Candidates should be in good overall health. Chronic medical conditions or medications that may interfere with the healing process or increase surgical risks should be discussed with the surgeon during the consultation.

No Scalp Infections or Skin Disorders: Candidates should not have active scalp infections, skin disorders, or other conditions that could compromise the surgical process or increase the risk of complications.

Commitment to Post-Operative Care: Successful outcomes depend on proper post-operative care. Candidates should be willing and able to follow the surgeon's instructions regarding care of the transplanted area, including washing and avoiding activities that could damage the grafts during the healing phase.

Age Consideration: While there is no strict age limit for FUE, candidates should generally be of an age where hair loss patterns are predictable. FUE is performed on individuals of varying ages, but candidates who are too young may not be ideal candidates if their hair loss has not stabilized.

Hair Loss Type: FUE can be suitable for both male and female candidates. However, the surgeon will assess the specific type of hair loss and pattern to determine candidacy.

What are the Advantages of Fue Hair Transplantation?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation offers several advantages that have contributed to its popularity as a hair restoration method. Here are some of the key advantages of FUE hair transplantation:

  1. Minimally Invasive: FUE is a minimally invasive procedure that does not involve the removal of a strip of scalp tissue, as is done in the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method. This means no linear scar in the donor area.
  2. No Visible Scarring: FUE leaves tiny, dot-like scars in the donor area that are less noticeable than the linear scar associated with FUT. These scars often heal and become almost invisible over time, allowing patients to wear their hair short without worry.
  3. Quick Recovery: Patients typically experience a quicker recovery compared to FUT because there is no need for sutures or staples in the donor area. Discomfort and downtime are generally minimal.
  4. No Stitches: FUE does not require the use of stitches or staples to close the donor area. This can result in less discomfort and fewer complications during the healing process.
  5. Versatility: FUE can be used to transplant hair to various areas of the scalp, including the hairline, crown, and mid-scalp. It can also be used for other areas of the body, such as the beard, eyebrows, and chest.
  6. Natural-Looking Results: FUE allows for precise control over the placement of hair follicles, resulting in natural-looking hairlines and overall results. The individual extraction and transplantation of follicles mimic the natural growth pattern of hair.
  7. No Linear Scar: As there is no linear scar, patients do not have to worry about concealing a visible scar, which is a concern with FUT.
  8. Suitable for Various Hair Types: FUE can be used on various hair types and textures, making it versatile for a wide range of patients.
  9. No Need for Shaving: FUE can often be performed without the need to shave the entire head. Only the donor area and the recipient area where grafts will be transplanted need to be trimmed, allowing for a less conspicuous appearance during the healing phase.
  10. Customization: FUE allows for precise graft selection, making it possible to customize the grafts used in specific areas based on hair type, thickness, and growth pattern.
  11. Lower Risk of Complications: FUE carries a lower risk of certain complications, such as wound infection and numbness at the donor site, compared to FUT.
  12. High Graft Survival Rate: FUE can offer a high graft survival rate when performed by a skilled surgeon and when patients follow proper post-operative care instructions.


What is Fue Hair Transplant Recovery Period?

The recovery period after an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant typically involves several stages, and the timeline can vary from person to person. Here is a general overview of what you can expect during the recovery period:

Immediately After the Procedure (First Few Days):

  • Bandaging: You may have bandages or dressings on the donor and recipient areas immediately after the surgery.
  • Swelling: Some degree of swelling, particularly around the forehead and eyes, is common and usually peaks on the third day. It generally subsides within a week.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Mild pain or discomfort at the donor and recipient sites is normal. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Scabbing: Tiny scabs may form at the recipient sites, where the hair follicles were transplanted. These scabs should not be picked or scratched to avoid dislodging grafts.

First Week:

  • Return to Daily Activities: You can typically return to your daily activities within a day or two, but strenuous physical activities should be avoided for at least a week.
  • Shampooing: Your surgeon will provide instructions for when and how to gently shampoo the transplanted area, usually within the first few days.
  • Avoiding Sun Exposure: Protect the treated areas from direct sunlight and wear a hat when going outdoors.

First Month:

  • Shedding of Transplanted Hair: Most of the transplanted hairs will shed within the first month. This is a normal part of the process, and it can be disheartening, but it's important to remember that new hair growth will occur later.

Months 2-3:

  • New Hair Growth: New hair growth typically begins around the second or third month. Initially, the hair may appear fine and thin, but it will gradually thicken and become more noticeable over time.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: You may have follow-up appointments with your surgeon to assess progress and address any concerns.

Months 6-12:

  • Visible Results: By months 6 to 12, you should begin to see more significant growth and visible results from the transplant. Patience is essential, as the full results may take up to a year or more to become apparent.
  • Maintenance: Depending on your individual circumstances, your surgeon may recommend maintenance treatments or medications to further enhance and preserve the results.


Is Fue Hair Transplantation Performed in Turkey?

Yes, FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is widely performed in Turkey. Turkey has gained international recognition as a leading destination for hair transplant procedures, including FUE. There are several reasons why Turkey has become a popular choice for individuals seeking FUE hair transplantation:

  1. Highly Skilled Surgeons: Turkey has a large number of experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeons who specialize in FUE and other hair restoration techniques. Many of these surgeons have received training and certification both domestically and internationally.
  2. Advanced Medical Facilities: Turkey boasts modern and well-equipped medical facilities that adhere to international standards. Hair transplant clinics in Turkey are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure.
  3. Cost-Effective: The cost of FUE hair transplant procedures in Turkey is often more budget-friendly compared to many other countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking quality treatments at a competitive price.
  4. Medical Tourism Industry: Turkey has a well-developed medical tourism industry with specialized agencies that assist international patients with travel arrangements, accommodation, and treatment.
  5. Diverse Hair Transplant Options: Turkish clinics offer a wide range of hair restoration techniques, including FUE, FUT, DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), and others. This allows patients to choose the technique that best suits their individual needs and preferences.
  6. High-Quality Services: Turkish hair transplant clinics typically provide comprehensive and personalized services, including pre-operative consultations, detailed treatment plans, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments.
  7. Natural-Looking Results: Many patients who have undergone FUE hair transplant procedures in Turkey report achieving natural-looking and satisfactory results, which contributes to the positive reputation of Turkish hair transplant clinics.
  8. High Patient Volume: The large number of hair transplant procedures performed in Turkey each year has contributed to the experience and expertise of Turkish hair transplant surgeons and staff.

Fue Hair Transplant in İstanbul - Turkey Prices ?

The cost of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant procedures in Turkey can vary significantly depending on several factors. These factors include the clinic's reputation, the surgeon's experience, the number of grafts needed, and the specific services included in the package.

  • Low-End: On the lower end, you might find FUE procedures offered for as low as €1,000 to €1,500. However, clinics offering such low prices may not always provide the highest quality of care or the most experienced surgeons.
  • Mid-Range: The majority of reputable and established hair transplant clinics in Turkey typically charge between €1,500 and €3,000 for FUE hair transplant procedures. This range often includes a certain number of grafts, pre-operative consultation, post-operative care, and sometimes accommodation.
  • High-End: Some premium clinics and those associated with well-known surgeons may charge prices exceeding €3,000, sometimes reaching up to €5,000 or more. These clinics often emphasize personalized care, highly experienced surgeons, and top-notch facilities.

It's crucial to note that while price is a consideration, selecting a hair transplant clinic based solely on cost can be risky. Quality and outcomes should be the primary factors in your decision. Here are some important tips when considering FUE hair transplant prices in Turkey:

Research Thoroughly: Look for clinics with a strong reputation, experienced surgeons, and positive patient reviews. Verify the credentials of both the clinic and the surgeon.

Consultation: Schedule consultations with multiple clinics to discuss your specific needs and receive personalized recommendations. During these consultations, ask about the total cost, what's included, and any potential additional fees.

Quality over Cost: Don't compromise on quality for a lower price. A successful hair transplant requires skilled surgeons and a well-equipped facility.

Beware of Hidden Costs: Ensure that you understand the full cost of the procedure, including any potential hidden or additional costs. Ask about post-operative care and follow-up appointments.

Travel Expenses: Consider travel expenses, such as airfare and accommodation, when budgeting for your procedure.

Ask for Before-and-After Photos: Request to see before-and-after photos of previous patients to assess the clinic's results.

Read Patient Reviews: Read reviews from patients who have undergone FUE hair transplant in istanbul at the clinics you are considering. This can provide insights into the patient experience and the quality of results.

Accreditation: Verify if the clinic is accredited by relevant medical organizations and authorities.

Detailed Information, You Can contact Us Via phoneWhatsapp or e-mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

FUE – or Follicular Unit Extraction is a type of hair restoration that works by taking healthy individual hair follicles from a donor area of the scalp (This area is selected by the health and abundance of hair and is often taken from the back of the head to ensure the best hair transplant results) and implanting them to a different area on the head – this will make the hair in the new area look thicker and fuller.

FUE is an advanced surgery that has been perfected over time to replace traditional methods of hair restoration such as FUT, where an entire piece of skin is removed from the back of the scalp in order to harvest grafts.

FUE is the most popular form of hair restoration due to the advanced technology used giving the most natural looking result, minimal scaring and minimal recover time in comparison to other methods.

A hair transplant surgeon will use anaesthetic before your transplant, so there is a small amount of pain when this is administered. However, after the anaesthetic, you should not feel any pain at all. The procedure can feel slightly uncomfortable at first, but you won’t feel any pain. This will vary from person to person, but our surgeons will do what they can to make your procedure as comfortable as possible.

FUE hair transplant surgery is a safe procedure with minor side effects if performed by a qualified and experienced doctor at a reputable clinic.

At the Hairtransplantation Istanbul Clınıc, we only use doctors registered with the General Medical Council to perform our hair transplants and our clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission board, this gives our clients an automatic element of safety. Not all clinics, especially those abroad are registered with such boards, which can make it harder to research a clinic or a doctor to ensure they are reputable.

The cost of a hair transplant varies between each patient and is dependent on different individual factors. For moderate hair loss, the cost would be between £3,000 and £8,000 and more extensive cases the cost would be between £5,000 and £12,000 with the average cost being around £7,000.

The modern approach to hair restoration leaves minimal scarring, and 98% of people will have a successful hair transplant treatment.

FUE hair transplantation is the most revolutionary hair restoration treatment on the market which has the most successful and natural looking results in comparison to all other treatments. The transplanted hair will continue to grow for years to come, some people may experience further hair loss as the age which can result in a top-up transplant being needed to add more density to these newly lost areas.


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Full Recovery
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Life Time Warrity
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